Bill's Basement

Bill's Basement
The basement is in Hammond Indiana, just across the Chicago Skyway. I am not a professional dom. There is no charge for visiting my basement. This is for fun. It's a hobby.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I was posting about yesterdays session with video of the three Amigos, Andy, NC Mark and Steve. IM this morning goes bing. Thought I had said good-bye to Andy and NC Mark. But Andy has to know whether I found Mark's glasses. Didn't know NC Mark wears glasses.

They're reading glasses. Let me look down the basement. Oh, there they are tucked over on that shelf. Guess he forgot them. Guess we go to work on Mark's memory.

They were planning on driving into Chicago, but they have to drive back to Hammond. Oh, Mark. if you needed more spanking, just say it. You don't have play these oh I forgot my glasses games. Obviously we have to work on Mark's memory.

Down the basement go Andy and NC Mark. All of my spanking toys are tucked away. But Andy digs through a bin of paddles and straps and finds what will work best on Mark's memory. And oh, I find that wonderful cane that Dennis gave me. I know it will improves memory. NC Mark doesn't like the cane. So we taught NC Mark a lesson.

Sometimes when you think your work is done, there's still more to do.


Improving Mark's Memory

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