Bill's Basement

Bill's Basement
The basement is in Hammond Indiana, just across the Chicago Skyway. I am not a professional dom. There is no charge for visiting my basement. This is for fun. It's a hobby.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The wife spanks Glen down Bill's basement

Here's the deal. The Glen needs spanked. We all know that. Usually this is the wife's job. In days past Bill has lent a hand. Usually this spanking goes on regularly back home. But this is summer time. School's out. The kid is home. Can't spank the daddy in front of the kid. The wife needs a place to spank the Glen.
So they come down Bill's basement. The wife does her duty. And then invites Bill for supper. What a deal! And what a nice job she does on the Glen's butt.
But after it's over and we're all enjoying supper around the kitchen table, the Glen mentions that maybe he wasn't spanked enough. And the wife mentions that she's wore out spanking him. Guess the wife is going to be needing help.
The Glen needs spanked regularly. Next time down Bill's basement, Bill will have to lend a hand.
What a deal.

The wife spanks Glen

The wife spanks Glen 2

The wife spanks Glen 3


  1. she did a nice job, does a man good to have his wife spank him, my wife spanks me, keeps a man in line, all guys should be spanked . wish i was near bills basement , looks like a lot of fun

  2. i would let glens wife spank me any time she does a nice job.
