Bill's Basement

Bill's Basement
The basement is in Hammond Indiana, just across the Chicago Skyway. I am not a professional dom. There is no charge for visiting my basement. This is for fun. It's a hobby.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Apple Butt and Peach Butt

You can probably guess. The apple butt is real real red. And the peach butt is real real fuzzy.

Barry is the apple butt. Met a couple weeks ago, and let me know he wanted to come back today.

Mike is the peach butt, often called fuzzy butt. Met him more than a year ago. But he also let me know he he wanted to visit today.

Happens that they both live the other side of Chicago. And Mike needs a ride.

Barry says why not invite some other guys and we can have some fun.

So everybody I know who might be free on a Monday morning got an e-mail invitation

And most of them had some good excuse. Some didn't even have an excuse.

But Barry and Mike were fun anyway. Mike unfortunately let me know he had a birthday coming up. So I just started witih him. Spanked away on his bare butt. But Barry then let me know that he had a birthday just a few days later.

So they got spanked and strapped and paddle. Both got a good attitude. Mike even got to try the cross and Vinnie's pillory.

Want to see the pictures?

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