But inbetween on Saturday morning I took a long picturesque drive through the Florida countryside. And the GPS says "Arrive at destination on right" Question mark????? It's a woods! It's a forest! Look deeper in the woods, a beautiful setting, a house under the canopy of trees right out of Tennesse Williams. Is this the right place? Cell phone's not working, too far out in the country. But then Doug drives up. He's the Florida PaddleMyAss guy. Had tried to meet him two years ago. But he was traveling up in Kentucky spanking our friend, Tom. Where's Tom? Anybody heard from Tom?
Walk into the house, a perfect spanking setting. Cathredal ceiling and a wall lined with paddles. This is my kind of guy. And he's a guy who wants me to take pictures. He hands me a paddle and bends over. The Florida spanking adventure begins.
Oh, and did you see? The one paddle he handed me was an INDIANA paddle.
This guy can take quite a bit. Think he's out of Bill's league?
Florida PaddleMyAss Guy
Spank the bare Florida butt

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