Not many visitors. Steve and me fitting in spankings between chores. Tending to blooms in the garden instead of butts in the basement. And have to take care of this old house falling apart. Plumber comes down the basement to look at the pipes. Can't explain the spanking horse and St. Andrews cross. My toys tucked away in my new dungeon closet.
But Tiger writes he wants to visit on Friday. And Andy who rarely has a chance to visit says he'd like some spanking on Thursday. Now Vinnie even says he wants to come over on Sunday. Send out invitations. Long list. Don't you want to join the fun. Lots of guys don't even respond. Some have the usual excuses. Everybody is busy.
But Thursday afternoon Andy arrives. And Steve and Craig join him. Just some fun spanking all around. Taking pics and videos just interrupts the process. So most of the fun is not recorded. But got a couple quick videos just for your entertainment. And hope it will entice you down the basement too.
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