Bill's Basement

Bill's Basement
The basement is in Hammond Indiana, just across the Chicago Skyway. I am not a professional dom. There is no charge for visiting my basement. This is for fun. It's a hobby.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The challenge, a trophy, an upset!

Long time the RaidersBulldog told me he'd really like to have a paddling challenge down my basement. One man after another getting the paddle until one after another drops out and the last man wins. Wins what? RaidersBullDog, the creative one, made a trophy, a paddle trophy for the winner of the challenge.

We talked about it a long time. Hard to get things together. The trophy is collecting dust down my basement. But finally with some monetary incentive and plan for a bunch of us to meet way down the Indiana Toll Road. We finally did it. Bill carried all his paddles and straps and the video recorder, and Vinnie, Steve, RaidersBulldog and Mark all ron da voo at an undisclosed location,

And you get to watch it all. Starting with 10 hand swats, and then with sets with implements of greater and greater intensity in a variety of positions. After 300 swats, Steve drops out of the competition since we had moved up to those heavy duty wooden paddles, not his favorite. But he still wanted to get a taste of them.

After 400 swats we start letting the competitors go back and forth with whatever paddles they choose and as hard as they choose. Mark's butt ended but real sore, too sore, had to quit. So it was Vinnie vs Raiderbulldog back and forth harder and harder. Until finally RaidersBulldog conceded.

VINNIE was the the champion. He walked off with the trophy.

The whole competition to be viewed at

Trophy Challenge 1 -...

Trophy Challenge 11 ...

Trophy Challenge 101...

Trophy Challenge 201...

Trophy Challenge 301...

Man on Man/ end of t...

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